Patient Details:

Diagnosis, Symptoms, Procedure Details:

Surgical Procedures:

Select Approach:
Change Lumbar Anatomy

Add Procedures in Order Performed. Double click to remove an item.
Currently Adding:
1. Select Procedure & Click Spine to Add:
1. Select Category:

2. Select Implant/Procedure & Click Spine to Add:

Construct Details:

Left Rod(s):
Right Rods(s):

Implant & Fusion Details:

POSTERIOR Bone Graft & Biologics:

Select any bone graft used:
Other Biologics:
Amount & Name of Biologic:
Allograft (cc):
Bone Marrow Aspirate Volume (cc):
Cell Based Allograft Volume (cc):
DBM Volume (cc):
iFactor Volume (cc):
Add BMP Kits:

ANTERIOR Bone Graft & Biologics:

Select any bone graft used:
Other Biologics:
Enter: '(Amount) of (Name of Biologic)':
Allograft (cc):
Bone Marrow Aspirate Volume (cc):
Cell Based Allograft Volume (cc):
DBM Volume (cc):
iFactor Volume (cc):
Add BMP Kits:

Additional Surgical Details:

Data Upload:

Operative Note Generator:

Confirm & Edit POSTERIOR Procedures Performed:
Confirm & Edit ANTERIOR Procedures Performed:

Formatted Operative Report:

Edits above will be automatically reflected here.

To copy the formatted text, you must highlight the formatted text and copy, otherwise you can click below:

Tables for Redcap Upload:

Patient Details

Surgical Details

Intraoperative Details

Rods Crossing by Level:

Procedures by Level:

Screw Size Details:

Interbody Details:

All Inputs:

Other Tables (not for Redcap Upload)

All objects table:

Revision Implants table:

Anterior Revision Implants table:

Posterior Approach Objects for Op Note:

Posterior: Objects passed to Op Note Generater:


Anterior Approach Objects for Op Note:

Anterior: Objects passed to Op Note Generater:


Anterior: Objects passed to Op Note Generater/DATAFRAME:

All Inputs Not Logged: